Pre-Use Checks and Periodic Examinations

Periodic examinations shall be completed by a person, other than the user, competent in the examination of SRLs, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The interval will be dictated by the usage, local regulations, and environmental conditions, and will be at least annually. See Table 1 Periodic Examination Interval for more information.

The safety of the user relies upon the continued efficiency and durability of the equipment. Therefore, pre-use checks shall be completed before each use. A record shall be kept of the results of the examination. See Table 2 Pre-Use Checks for pre-use check information.

Table 1 Periodic Examination Interval

Usage Interval
Infrequent to light Annually (12 months)
Moderate to heavy Semi-annually to annually (6-12 months)
Severe to continuous Quarterly to semi-annually (3-6 months)

Usage shall be determined by a competent person. A competent person is defined as a person, other than the user, competent in the examination of PPE in accordance with MSA instructions.

Maximum product life: Continued use is dependent upon passing pre-use checks and periodic examinations. Service life may be reduced by frequency and conditions of use or local regulations.


  • SRLs shall not be altered or added to. No unauthorized repairs, modifications, alterations and/or additions are permitted. Only MSA or persons or entities with written authorization from the manufacturer may make repairs to the SRL.
  • SRLs that have arrested a fall or are unable to pass an inspection shall be tagged “UNUSABLE” until it has been destroyed and disposed of in accordance with local regulations
  • Due to the nature of some fall arrest events, it is possible for the load indicator to not deploy. In the event that an SRL is subjected to fall arrest forces and the load indicator does not deploy, the SRL still must be removed from service and marked as “UNUSABLE” until it has been destroyed and disposed of in accordance with local regulations
  • If the load indicator is deployed, immediately remove the SRL from service and mark it as “UNUSABLE” until it has been destroyed and disposed of in accordance with local regulations

Failure to follow these warnings can result in serious personal injury or death.

Table 2 Pre-Use Checks

Pre-Use Checks Method
Load Indicator Ensure load indicator has not been deployed. See product label for examples of deployed load indicator.
Labels Ensure labels are present and legible.
Examination Date Ensure date of next examination has not elapsed. Ensure a periodic examination is not due as determined by a competent person. See Table 1 Periodic Examination Interval and product’s inspection checklist..
General Condition and Lifeline

Examine for signs of excessive damage, wear, corrosion or contamination. Inspect entire length of lifeline for kinks, bends, broken wires, bird caging, corrosion, damaged splices or damaged thimbles. Damage to the cable can significantly impact the performance. Verify there are no reductions in diameter of the lifeline.

Energy Absorber

Check energy absorber for signs of cuts, abrasion, tears, burns, mold, discoloration or chemical damage. Verify the white tear webbing is not significantly exposed through the energy absorber cover.

Extraction and Retraction Inspect lifeline extraction and retraction by pulling the full length of the line out and letting it retract back into the housing in a controlled manner. Maintain a light tension on the lifeline while it retracts. The line operation must be smooth and unhesitant.
Lock-on Pull sharply on the lifeline – ensure device locks. Repeat three times.

Housing / Fasteners / Swivel

Examine the housing and verify there are no cracks, excessive signs of wear, or extreme discoloration. Verify that all fasteners and the swivel are in place, are secure and do not show signs of excessive damage, wear or corrosion. Verify the swivel can rotate.


30 ft (10 m) / 50 ft (15 m) SRL: Examine the housing handle and verify there are no cracks, excessive signs of wear, or extreme discoloration.
Connectors Check for correct operation of connector and connector gate. Examine the connectors for signs of excessive damage, wear, or corrosion.
Nozzle and Nozzle Rod

Inspect the nozzle for signs of excessive damage, wear or contamination.

The interior nozzle rod may show signs of damage or wear without necessitating the product's removal from service as long as the product meets all other pre-use and functional checks.


Chemical hazards, heat and corrosion may damage the SRL. More frequent formal inspections are required in environments with chemical hazards, heat and corrosion. Use caution when working around moving machinery.

Chemical Resistance
Nylon Polyester Stainless Steel (304) Galvanized Steel
Strong acid (dilute) Poor Good Fair Poor
Strong acid (conc.) Poor Fair* Poor Poor
Weak acid (dilute) Poor Good Good Poor
Weak acid (conc.) Poor Good Poor Poor
Strong alkali (dilute) Good Poor Good Poor
Strong alkali (conc.) Fair Poor Fair Poor
Weak alkali (dilute) Good Fair Good Fair
Weak alkali (conc.) Good Poor Fair Poor
Alcohol Good Fair Good Good
Aldehyde Good Poor Good Good
Ether Good Poor Good Good
Halogenated Hydrocarbons Good Good Good Good
Phenols Poor Poor Good Good
Bleaching agents Poor Good Fair Poor
Ketones Good Poor Good Fair
Lubricating Oils & Greases Good Good Good Good
Soaps & Detergents Good Good Good Good
Seawater Good Good Fair Poor
Aromatic Solvents Good Poor Good Good
* Concentrated sulfuric acid attacks polyester.

Inspection Checklist

Model Number:   Serial Number:  
Date:   Inspector (Name / Signature):  
Date of Manufacture:   Date of Purchase:  
Date of First Use:   Date Due for Next Periodic Inspection:  
# Description Good—Safe for Use Good—Safe for Use Good—Safe for Use Good—Safe for Use Good—Safe for Use Good—Safe for Use Damaged, Worn, Altered, Missing—Remove from Service Comments
1 Load indicator                
2 Nozzle/Nozzle Rod                
3 Housing Fasteners                
4 Handle [30 ft (10 m) / 50 ft (15 m) SRL]                
5 Labels                
6 Energy absorber pouch                
7 Lifeline                
8 Snaphook                
  Lock on (ensure device locks)                


20 ft (6 m)


30 ft (10 m) / 50 ft (15 m)